Thursday, October 23, 2008

So I herd u liek mudkipz!!!!!!

Let's talk about mudkipz for today. Now who plays or watches the pokemon show or game out there?? of the famous pokemon that became an internet meme is non other than MUDKIPZ....hahaha....some copy pasta from Uncyclopedia....

"Mudkip is a legendary creature. It's known as a friend to the
Claw Monster Legend says that washed-up former UN SecGen and avid wanker Dr Boutrous-Boutrous Ghali, was approached by a mysterious entity, who said "so i herd u like mudkips." It was then said that that one person created an image based on that strange quote. The image has recently resurfaced in /b/ on 4chan.
It is said that a Mudkip can be found
lurking underwater, 4chan, DeviantART, IRC, as well as your Game Boy, your closet, and in your bed, jizzing off to a combusken. Started as another Meme on 4chan, it elevated to go on to the Drshnaps Asylum, where it festered and died. And was quickly replaced with the shoop da woop Phenomenon, what with their royal rainbows and whatnot."

This is where it all started....

And not forgetting some random motivational mudkipz....LOL

So let me ask you: Do you liek mudkipz???


Anonymous said...


TheInsaneZenChild said...

We ALL liek Mudkips. Question is: Who's there for Treeko?

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!